Making an effort

laser hair removal MelbourneI know that I’m not the greatest sportsperson in the world, but I know a good sports person when I see one. I know that when Greg takes me on this date it will be to the biggest and most exclusive restaurant in town. I need to make sure that I look my very best. I plan to go to the very best cosmetic salon in Melbourne to get the most perfect makeover that I possibly can. A few months back I got cosmetic tattooing, Melbourne has a lot of professionals in this field that I can personally recommend. It’s not nearly as scary as it sounds, it just means that I spend far less time on my makeup that I used to. I can basically roll out of bed and go to work without having to put much effort into dolling myself up. The last time I had anything major done was three years ago,  it was to look good for another date. Let me just say that It did not end well, but that was not the fault of my beauty. Turns out that I have terrible taste in men and I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to dating. How do I keep picking these beautiful losers? This time, I have a real good good feeling about this guy though. He’s super nice and totally buff. He’s the kind of guy you go out of your way to get laser hair removal. Melbourne men are very stylish so I picked up a new dress for the occasion.



It turns out that I’m not worthy of this guy’s time. I’m way too good for him. As it turns out that all the laser hair removal was pointless. I wasn’t enough to keep his wandering eye for even half an hour. Lesson learned. I’m going to stay single.

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