A quick fix to a complicated problem

hyperbaric treatmentCall me lazy, but I’m always going to be one of those people looking for a quick fix. An easy way out, if you will. A manner in which I can avoid the long-haul, tedious, intense work that everyone else constantly has to do and skip right ahead to the good stuff. At school, I was the first person to discover Sparknotes, the first kid to befriend the nerd and ask for their notes, and the first kid to forge parents’ signatures to get out of things I didn’t want to do. I never broke the rules, exactly, but I always worked out the maximum give – the most I could bend them before they snapped.

Now, getting older as I am, I’ve started to try out all those fad diets. They don’t work, even I know that, but I figure if there’s a chance they might work, what’s the harm? Well, turns out I’ve found something even better than dieting. Hyperbaric chambers. Melbourne has more than a few of these amazing inventions, and the benefits are almost unbelievable. For a fit and healthy problem like yours truly, it just helps energise and revitalise you, but my gosh, for older people the stuff must be like a miracle.

All this was brought on by the fact that, about two months ago, my mum was diagnosed with cancer in her stomach. Mum is one of the healthiest people on the planet and, even though she’s being treated for it now, the whole episode completely freaked me out. I had an epiphany moment right then and there, and realised I was living my life the wrong way.

Now, after going to hyperbaric treatment in Melbourne for a few weeks, I just feel ten times better than I used to and this is actually something sustainable. A way I can make real change in my life without all the effort that usually goes along with that.

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