Secretary at it again

dry needling courses AdelaideI have never been to Adelaide. I never planned on going to Adelaide. My secretary has booked me onto professional dry needling courses in Adelaide. When I first opened my chiropractor surgery I went through five secretaries in 12 months. They were all incompetent. One lasted four months and I was hopeful she would work out but she continually sent my wife flowers on my behalf even when I asked her not to. That’s just a little too far for me. Stacey has now been with me for two years and she is really something. The woman drives me mad but she does a good job and understands my eccentricities so I really can’t get rid of her. She constantly hounds me about expanding my treatment options, she says the practice could be so much bigger than it is if I dedicated some time to expanding our services. Against my wishes she has booked me onto a dry needling course so we can offer it to patients. She has done all the research and has left some studies on my desk outlining the effectiveness of dry needling at de triggering pain centres for a variety of issues. I can’t argue with the moan although I consistently ask her why she cares so much. Why did she get so worked up about my practice’s treatment options to the point of booking dry needling courses in Adelaide for me! She tells me it’s because she wants me to earn more money so I can pay her more but I know secretly it is just because she cares about me and wants to see me succeed. My wife insists on inviting Stacey over about once a month for dinner and they tend to moan about me right through to dessert after which I tell Stacey she needs to leave.

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